JMC-2033, Writing for the Mass Media, is an upper-division class that focuses on teaching students how to write efficiently and profitably in various areas of media including: broadcast journalism, public relations, advertising, and professional writing. The main purpose of JMC-2033 is to encourage students to become better, more analytical writers and communicators in order to prepare them for their future careers in mass communication/media. Increased media literacy, critical thinking skills, and understanding of different multimedia professions help JMC-2033 students become better writers and professionals.
Within the JMC-2033 lecture class, students learn about the basics of media writing - prewriting, gathering sources/information, and editing - while relearning the importance of correctness, conciseness, and credibility. They then transfer that knowledge to the JMC-2033 lab where they test it out writing on their blogs, conducting interviews and reporting. Because JMC-2033 covers such a wide array of multimedia professions (PR, advertising, broadcast journalism, etc.), it helps students to better understand the key aspects of their own majors and potential professions.
JMC-2033 is very involved and there are many rules that students must abide by. Students are expected to attend all of their labs and lectures if possible and are only given 4 absences for each class (lecture and lab). Students are also asked to arrive on time and prepared with cell phones, ipods, mp3s, etc... turned off and stowed away. Students who arrive more than 10 minutes late are marked absent - many students fail JMC-2033 simply because they cannot abide by the strict attendance policy. While these rules may seem draconian, they are kept in place to ensure that students receive the best education and experience possible.